Sunday, February 10, 2008

on a lighter note.

luckily, there is something good that came out of being sick. since i didn't feel like doing anything yesterday, i picked up water for elephants from my dresser and finally started reading it. i think it was around late afternoon when i started and once i picked it up i couldn't put it down. i forgot how good it felt to get lost in a book. how fun it was. it was really really fun.

i finished all 331 pages in less than a day. there were countless numbers of times where i literally laughed out loud and then caught myself because it felt a little weird laughing at a book i was reading for my own enjoyment, where i let an "awwww!" slip out when rosie did something cute or when jacob finally got the girl, where i squirmed when things were getting graphic, and where i let out a sigh of relief when things finally worked out.

this definitely needs to happen more often.

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