Sunday, August 12, 2007

how in the world...

you know, i really don't understand how a person can get bruises without knowing where they came from. that person, of course, being myself. and there's three bruises to be exact. one on my left ankle, one on my right knee, and one on my left thigh. the one on my ankle could possibly be from when i kinda missed the step when i was walking out of the movie theater, but i honestly don't know. i guess some things will always remain a mystery. like why glue doesn't stick to the inside of the glue bottle...


Anonymous said...

omgosh..the glue sticking to the inside of the glue bottle question was on oprah..

some guy decided to read all the volumes of encyclopedia britannica..

i fell asleep watching it..

i saw you running round oxford during asb meeting, but i think i'd've gotten in trouble if i yelled hello..

so i'll say it now:


Anonymous said...

how is a rubrix cube and a (blank) the same?


O SCREW THAT! ask shane for the joke...

it's disgusting. i dread phone calls from him because of nasty jokes...THAT and because when he calls his contact picture shows up...



good day ma'am (: